non-fiction television show

Yea, I don’t know why this didn’t get posted on time….but I dug it out of the website and maybe it’ll publish for me 🙂 

The Weather Channel is the only news channel that I watch on a regular basis.  The other twenty four hour news channels ignore the weather until a major disaster occurs that they can sensationalize, but The Weather Channel is twenty four hour weather information.  In my opinion, no matter what is happening in the world the weather has the greatest impact on what we do on a day to day basis.  For example, the weather effects what we wear; if it’s sunny and warm, we wear shorts and sandals, but if you change even one of those two qualifiers, we wear the appropriate clothing to keep us from being soaked or freezing.  The weather also effects our mood.  It’s hard to be in a bad mood on a beautiful day, but let it be foggy, rainy, and cold, well you’d better watch out.  Of course there are the big disasters:  hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and ice/snow storms, but there are also little disasters like severe thunderstorms, windy days, and dense fog that claim their share of property damage and, ultimately, human life. 

The Weather Channel has it’s share of programing in addition to it’s weather coverage, but six times every hour you get your local forecast on The Weather Channel’s “local on the 8’s”.  They also do more than their fair share of weather safety information like “get into a building with plumbing and electrical wiring during a thunderstorm”, or “do not drive through a flooded area of a street if the water is moving”.  The Weather Channel is a life saving service.  That is something that the other twenty four hour news channels can never truly say.  Sure they outline what you should do in case of a chemical/biological/terrorist attack, but can they predict them? Nope.  The other twenty four hour news channels make a living off of celebrity gossip/”news” and showing up after a disaster has struck to sensationalize the loss of life. 

This is why I watch the weather channel at least once a day.  I get informed about what the weather is going to be like today, and I take the necessary precautions.  Maybe when Fox News gets into the business of investigation of the stories they cover, I’ll watch their show on a daily basis.  Until that happens, I’m very happy just watching TWC.

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